Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Feeling a little frustrated

Getting things done in Kinglake are not easy at the moment. Ive been trying to get my burnt block on the go and get obstacles put in my way left right and centre.
Got a guy out to look at my fire damaged tank to do some patching work on the concrete and put a new roof on. The concrete fix job is only $800 - ok I can live with that. But he quoted $4000 for a new roof! What the? I know it will only take about 8 sheets of colourbond which would be about $1000 tops. Apparently they only do these weird dome roofs "Cause they look better." Hmm not at $4K mate. So Im back to looking for someone to dynabolt a few sheets down. Hard to get tradies at the moment as there is so much rebuilding. I have been spending time with my ex (long story) and he as offered to do it but won't take money and I hate the guilt associated with all that!!
The other challenge is that my block is covered in cut down trees from way back when I had it cleared. Being a single mum who has no idea of one end of a chainsaw to another, I put my name down with a volunteer organisation who would organise a work team. Lovely. Except I have been waiting since last July and have heard they have been busy being put to work clearing blackberries on a lady's property that didn't even burn. Not sure how people like that sleep at night. Im not the type to kick a fuss and so have been pushed to the bottom of the heap. Alot of what has gone on after the fires seems to be not whether you are needy but who you know, or how much of a fuss you are prepared to make. Yes Im being whiney but doesn't seem quite right. Alot of the material aid I received after had nothing to do with me being in need but what a friend of a friend told me was available. Then there is all the associated guilt associated with talking handouts which is the subject for a whole other blog.
I try not to get frustrated but its hard when I lost everything but I see people who lost nothing, still had their houses and cars etc, but are driving around in brand new donated cars. I was told they were all gone by the time I enquired. Very frustrating. A bit like bumping into people at the refuge centres after the fires who I know lost nothing but were filling up their trolleys with new clothes etc. This thing bought out the very best and very worst in people.


  1. Hi Hellen

    I just read your comment on Craig Harper's site (15th April) and felt sadness at what you descirbed. Then I came here to your blog and now can see how tough things have been for you. I can't even begin to image how hard it has been for you and others in Kinglake (and other affected areas) who bore the brunt of the devastation. Then on top of that the injustice in regards to how donations and assistance has been distributed in the after math.

    You said in your commment Now how do I take the first step.....well Hellen I am happy to help you out to help you get back on track with your health/fitness. I am a qualified personal trainer and I am passionate about health and fitness. I will do this for nothing absolutely no strings attached.

    I understand that this is unusual and you may question my motives. I genuiely want to help. Perhaps if you have a good look through the forum on Craig Harper's site you will see a whole heap of threads between myself and "Lozza" under Find or Become an Accountability Partner. I helped out Lozza for several months starting back in April 2008.

    Anyhow Hellen look after yourself and let me know if you want any help. My email is

  2. Hello Hellen

    I like Leanne saw your comment on Craig's blog. I wrote a reply.

    I hope this does not sound cruel - but reading about what you went through, well it made me think tonight about my circumstances. I just like the way you are open about all the things that happen. When we post online it is forever and I think sometimes people seem to gloss over the effects of anything bad that happens.

    I know life moves on - I suppose it did for the 9.11 families, but thanks for being candid as I know feel I have a bit more perspective on my own life after realising now others like yourself have come through things that - frankly - are things souls on this earth should not go through.

    I hope that is not sounding too funny, I find it hard to express but my point is, you just made me think about things.

